Friday, August 7, 2009

Thing #23 Summary

Wow! I did it! I am very proud of myself.

Answer to questions:

1- Favorites: Creating a blog, News feeds, Librarything, Delicious, other google search engines, web 2.0 award list and podcasts (Photostory).
2- It has inspired me to learn more.
3- Yes, that I am more confident of my abilities and I want to return and review some of the 23 things.
4- I like the prompt responses and when you added "a little bit more help" for those like me who need visuals and step by step at times.
6- Extremely informative!
7- When I first read the e-mail that was sent from our librarian to all the teachers regarding Library 2.0/ 23 Things plus the 18 hours credit, I thought: "This might be a good idea".

I felt I should try to do this just to try to stay on track with so many technology advances. Once I started my goal was to complete all 23 things before July 31, but it proved to be hard, just like I had imagined. Many times I felt this is not for me, but I was not ready to give up.

I am very proud that I began, worked through, and completed all 23 things. I am still going to go back and try to understand and figure out some of the things I could not include in my blog before August 13! I will no longer think I am not good with computers or web things.

I want to continue to learn and I am committed to learn more about computer basics before it gets way to difficult for me. I am glad I challenged myself and plan to attend more technology staff developments.

Thing #22 NINGS

I decided to visit Ning for teachers and read some blogs regarding teaching children with Autism.
I love that from just reading their blogs I can learn new strategies to use with my students and I can ask questions and share information.
I like that eventhough most information regarding students with special needs is confidential we can connect with other teachers with the same concerns.

Thing #21

I really enjoyed creating this mini film with pictures. I know this could be a very good tool to promote independence for each of my students. I like what I created and saved in both ways and I am encountering a problem, the message I receive "Problems processing the video, contact support".

This is where I am having most of my problems, trying to upload items to my blog and really would like to review and learn how to do this. It could be in the way that I am saving, but I am not sure!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thing # 20 You tube...

I am very familiar with you tube. Again, plenty of interesting, creative and at times funny videos regarding libraries.

I will return when I figure out correctly how to include the video I chose from teachertube...

Okay I am going to give this a break, for some reason I am not able to embed the video of Capital and States song that I saw on teacher tube, I believe I am following the instructions on posted on thing 20...
I shall return!

Thing #19 Web 2.0

Special about this tool: How the information is rated. I will definitely go back since it's in my favorites.
I explored the food and found very easy recipes to cook. I love to cook when I have the time and I found very easy ones. Also I enjoyed the reviews on Houston restaurants.
I can see libraries and classrooms using this to facilitate finding information for students and teachers.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing # 18 Online Productivity

Very interesting and new to me as well. I explored both and one thing that stood out from was all the different languages, I also enjoyed all the templates for education documents.
Google.doc was also very good and I can see how it can be another tool to share information.
Advantages: It is free and you have easy access.
Disadvantages: You need to be on-line.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thing #17 Rollyo

I believe this is a really great tool, it is one of the few times I am not stressing and having to go back to understand. It was easy and fun. I created a link for my parents with only three sights, but I plan to add more, some of my parents are very interested in free educational sights for their child to be able to use with little supervision.
I am working on creating individualized search engine based on my students interest, their personalized engine!

Thing # 16 WIKIS

I use Wikipedia a lot and always tell my son "wikipedia it..." he always laughs. I understand now what it means and that I can have my own wiki "place". I though of many ways I can use it, but then I had to re-think due to the confidentiality issues with my students, it is not as private as I wish it was.
I can see how it can be useful for social events and not having to meet for planning events. I volunteer for different organizations and this would be a great way of sharing ideas and updating information a lot quicker.

I wrote my entry but it looks different than other entries, I wonder why? It was not difficult at all but I forgot to include my blog address or any info on who was creating the entry so I went back and edited mine:-)